KRAWL | SEO News | February 2023

Welcome back to another edition of KRAWL (Keywords, Rankings, Algorithms, Websites & Links)!
This month, we’re looking into some key SEO updates and how to get the most from your link acquisition strategies. So, without further ado, let’s dive in…
If you want great SEO content, don’t forget to E-E-A-T

Google’s latest update to the search rater guidelines allows us insight on how a content creator’s experience will be an important factor and how it will be evaluated.
Google’s original concept of E-A-T will now be upgraded to E-E-A-T with the additional ‘E’ for experience.
The new acronym will now stand for:
- Experience
- Expertise
- Authoritativeness
- Trustworthiness
Google will now be looking for content creator’s that can demonstrate first-hand experience, the search quality rater guidelines state this about the new experience factor:
“Consider the extent to which the content creator has the necessary first-hand or life experience for the topic. Many types of pages are trustworthy and achieve their purpose well when created by people with a wealth of personal experience. For example, which would you trust: a product review from someone who has personally used the product or a “review” by someone who has not?”.
Alongside the addition of the experience factor, Google will also be placing a deeper emphasis on trust.
As seen in the diagram Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trust will all be important factors when considering the PQ rating, however, the most important factor at the centre of the E-E-A-T is Trust.
The Trust factor looks at to what extent is the page accurate, honest, safe and reliable.
Google states that Trust is the most critical factor within the E-E-A-T family, as untrustworthy pages will have low E-E-A-T no matter how highly rated the components of Experience, Expertise and Authority are.
We would view the factors of experience, expertise and authoritativeness as supporting factors towards the quality rater’s assessment of trust, with trust being the overarching factor that contributes to the main E-E-A-T rating.
The future of PR link acquisition
In SEO, we consider blogs, articles, videos, and infographics as the bread and butter of day-to-day practices.
What about PR for SEO?
Press releases are essential to establishing your brand’s reputation, gaining media attention, and expanding your clientele.
They hold a viewer’s interest, convey crucial details about your identity and your principles, and inspire consumer confidence.
When used correctly, PR for SEO is incredibly helpful.
Common blunders include failing to create a catchy headline and passing up the chance to obtain a juicy backlink from a large newspaper.
Making a fantastic press release is an art. There is a distribution plan as well. If you succeed at both, Google’s algorithm and your company will both benefit.
If you miss the mark, the prospects quickly diminish into nothingness.
What is the goal of a press release?
The goal is to create deep, enduring connections with consumers, prospects, and clients.
At each stage of the customer journey, it’s all about giving individuals the tools they need to achieve their objectives.
Inbound marketing tactics often produce the highest returns on investments, although SEO is somewhat of a long game, we know this to be a true statement and know why large companies invest so much time and money into SEO services.
So, why not utilise every option available to us? Incorporating PR into our day-to-day is the next step for growth in this industry and essential to the strength of our future link building capabilities.
What are the advantages of press releases?
Be discovered by numerous publications.
Press releases give companies the chance to inform as many people as possible about important news.
The story might be covered by hundreds of online news sources. On social media, it might be spread hundreds of times.
This exposure increases brand recognition and may result in inquiries and, eventually, sales.
The more outlets that you forge relationships with that publish your press releases, the more links you will attain and the more strength our SEO strategy will carry.
Get high quality backlinks
One strategy immediately sticks out when people inquire whether press releases are effective for SEO: link acquisition!
PR and SEO work together very effectively. We are all aware of how challenging it can be to get in touch with even the largest of websites and publications to acquire backlinks.
As long as we carry our SEO best practices with us into the world of PR, publishing press releases will encourage organic involvement from the top players in the sectors that our clients operate in.
Press releases can be shared on Twitter with remarkable success as well, so as SEOs, this opens a lot of new doors for us to explore and conquer.
Keep in mind that our impact will grow as we reach more individuals.
And that’s a wrap!
Thank you for joining us for another edition of KRAWL. We look forward to sharing more news, insights, and top tips with you again next month.
Catch you later!
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