
Search Masterclassing: Finding Incrementality in Search

Today QueryClick attended another one of our much loved Masterclassing events with a focus on Search this time. Taking place at the Century Club in Shaftesbury Avenue, these events are a fantastic way to share top tips, network and have some engaging discussions with industry peers and prospects.

Chris’ focus for his presentation was how to provide incrementality in search.

Through various channels our marketing data gets siloed, which can often has a detrimental effect on our overall strategy and effectiveness. Marketers risk cannibalization, making it difficult to get new customers in each channel in addition to wasting their marketing spend.

In a recent survey more than 90% of marketers agree that “attribution is broken” and one of our biggest challenges is getting something meaningful out of our data.

What affects incremenatility in search?

  • Multi channel operates in silos
  • Don’t have a single customer view
  • Last click drives budgeting decisions
  • Operating with saturated channels
  • Cannibalising yourself through a new marketplace.
  • Limited talent or compromised agencies

Chris went on to explain the perfect way to apporoach marketing and what you would strive to achieve.

  • Remove all waste & fraud
  • Incrementality at lowest CPA
  • Every interaction personalised
  • Automated multi-channel optimisation
  • Own data and expertise inhouse

How do we go about this?

  • Clean the data first before attributing your data through machine learning
  • Simplify CPA and lifetime value
  • Approach optimisation and content as personalised and automated.
  • Have a unified single point of truth for your customer journey and data

QueryClick has developed a unique, machine learning-based attribution solution – marketing software that enables companies to precisely allocate their investments in different marketing channels to ensure the maximum possible return on investment. While attribution solutions have long been widely available, including from companies such as Google and Adobe, QueryClick’s Corvidae reveals up to 334% more data for attribution than market-leading competitors, tracking the “customer journey” across all advertising platforms including television, newspapers, magazines, out of home and digital.

This unique level of insight enables Corvidae customers to benefit from increases of as much as 87% in the effectiveness of their digital advertising, whether using other digital marketing services and software from QueryClick’s portfolio or applying Corvidae insights to their in-house digital marketing activities. The market for Corvidae is seen as substantial, with $316bn* worldwide forecast to be invested in digital advertising in 2019 alone.

Please contact [email protected] for more information.

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