Is your business ready for the page speed wars?

Test your mobile page speed today

Google have announced plans to roll out mobile first indexing across the web from May 2021. This means that online businesses will have to meet ambitious mobile page speed targets to stay ahead of competitors in search engine results.

Test your mobile page speed

Enter your website’s full URL to get your page speed score.

Why is mobile page speed important?

mobile first indexing

Google’s Algorithm

Mobile page speed is already vital to SEO and is used by Google’s algorithm as an important signal for search result rankings.

If your website fails to meet Google’s mobile page loading benchmarks you can expect to drop out of top rankings for competitive keywords in place of faster-loading competitors. You’ll also find it difficult to see ranking improvements from additional SEO work if you have slower loading times than the current top results.

User Experience

It isn’t just Google’s algorithm you need to consider. Page speed is also vital to user experience, with slower-loading pages showing higher bounce rates and lower average time spent on-page.

In short, page speed must be at the top of the development list for every brand with a stake in web performance.

mobile website speed
mobile page speed experience

What are Google’s mobile page speed benchmarks and how do you compare?

Google’s current benchmarks for mobile page speed are:

  • 1.3 seconds for Time to First Byte (the speed and responsiveness of a mobile web server)
  • 3 seconds for Speed Index (how quickly the mobile page displays content to users)
  • Less than 500KB in ‘page weight’ (the total size of a mobile webpage in bytes)
  • Fewer than 50 ‘requests’ per page (the number of individual pieces of content needed to display the entire mobile page)
  • 90 out of 100 for Google’s Mobile Page Speed Score

Ideally, a website should take less than 3 seconds to fully load and be interactive by users.

Find out how your business’ website compares with our mobile speed tool and get a breakdown of how you score against Google’s guidelines. If you fail to come close to any of the targets, then mobile page optimisation should be a priority for your business.

What are the most common issues affecting mobile page speed?

The most common issues affected mobile page speed include:

Excessive page ‘weight’

Un-optimised images

Page redirects

Un-optimised images

Is your page speed performance being held back?

Get your mobile page speed audit

For a chat about your page speed, or any aspects of SEO or performance marketing, sign up for a Mobile Page Speed Audit*.

What you’ll get:

  • Consultation with one of our SEO experts
  • Page speed metrics benchmark against Google
  • Top level insights into areas of optimisation
  • Expected ROI calculation from recommended changes to page speed performance

*QueryClick Mobile Page Speed Audit is priced at £1500.

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